News — Coffee health benefits

Childhood Cancer Charity | Arabica v. Robusta

Childhood Cancer Charity | Arabica v. Robusta

Did you know that there are two main types of coffee beans? They are called Arabica and Robusta. Both varieties differ in region, flavor, and caffeine. Keep reading to learn more about coffee for childhood cancer charity!   Region For starters, both species of coffee beans are grown on opposite ends of the Earth. Arabica beans are most commonly grown in Brazil and neighboring Colombia. It is common for arabica beans to be found growing on the “coffee belt”—the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. On the other hand, Robusta beans are grown in Vietnam. The bean is native to West...

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Best Central American Coffee | Which Coffee Roast is Right for You?

Best Central American Coffee | Which Coffee Roast is Right for You?

What kind of roast do you like? Most people don’t know the answer to this question. Read below to find out which best Central American coffee is more to your liking!   Types of Roasts Different types of roasts come from how the coffee beans are boiled. For example, when the beans crack their first shell or second shell, this gives the roast its own distinct flavor. Light Roast: slightly roasted, light brown, and acidic in taste Medium or Regular: roasted before the beans’ second crack, and lower caffeine amount than light roast but higher than dark roast Medium-Dark: dark...

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Whole Bean Coffee | Whole Bean Coffee vs Ground Coffee

Whole Bean Coffee | Whole Bean Coffee vs Ground Coffee

When it comes to shopping for coffee, there are many things to consider, including deciding between whole bean coffee or ground coffee. So which ones right for you? Below are few things to consider before making a decision!   How Do You like to Brew Your Coffee? First things first, how do you brew your coffee? This will be an important factor when deciding between whole bean coffee and ground coffee. Pre-ground coffee is the best for standard home coffeemakers. However, if you are not using a traditional brewer at home, a whole bean coffee might be the best option....

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Best Coffee Online | Surprising Coffee Facts

Best Coffee Online | Surprising Coffee Facts

Whether you take your coffee with or without cream, iced or hot, we can all agree that our cup of coffee is the best part of the morning. However, you might be unaware that your favorite beverage actually comes with a plethora of interesting facts. Check out these three surprising coffee facts below, and if you are looking for the best coffee online, check out our coffee blends! Just the Scent of Coffee Can Make You Feel Awake Studies show that even the smell of coffee alters brain activity and helps reduce sleep deprivation. Also, once you drink that same...

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