News — Quality coffee

Florida Coffee Roaster | 3 Ways to Have Your Morning Cup

Florida Coffee Roaster | 3 Ways to Have Your Morning Cup

Most of us enjoy waking up with our favorite cup of coffee. As your Florida coffee roaster, there are different ways that your coffee can be brewed. Are you in the mood to try a new brewing method? Keep reading to learn more about the different ways you can make your next cup of liquid gold!   Drip  In the first place, drip coffee is the most traditional method. The coffee grounds are added to the filter of your coffee machine and hot water in the reservoir. The water heats and flows to the coffee grounds and ‘drips’ down into...

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Childhood Cancer Charity | Arabica v. Robusta

Childhood Cancer Charity | Arabica v. Robusta

Did you know that there are two main types of coffee beans? They are called Arabica and Robusta. Both varieties differ in region, flavor, and caffeine. Keep reading to learn more about coffee for childhood cancer charity!   Region For starters, both species of coffee beans are grown on opposite ends of the Earth. Arabica beans are most commonly grown in Brazil and neighboring Colombia. It is common for arabica beans to be found growing on the “coffee belt”—the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. On the other hand, Robusta beans are grown in Vietnam. The bean is native to West...

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Best Coffee Beans | International Coffee Culture

Best Coffee Beans | International Coffee Culture

Do you ever wonder how the rest of the world takes their coffee? Coffee culture is primarily a social interaction between coffee and the individual or a group of individuals consuming it.  Read below to find out more about the best coffee beans for you!   Different Coffee Cultures For starters, coffee culture seems to be very evident in today’s day and age. There are many interesting facts about how coffee culture varies from region to region:   Ethiopia -birthplace of coffee -coffee drinking includes a traditional ceremony where coffee brewing lasts for 2 hours -“buna” is the Ethiopian word for...

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Socially Conscious Coffee | The Best Time of Day to Drink Coffee

Socially Conscious Coffee | The Best Time of Day to Drink Coffee

Are you a morning or evening coffee drinker? Whichever time of day you prefer, there’s actually the perfect time to have your cup according to science. Keep reading to learn more about your socially conscious coffee experts!   Circadian Clock For starters, everyone enjoys having their daily cup of coffee. Some of us drink it at 6 a.m., 10 a.m. or 1 p.m. We drink it because it helps us “wake up” if we haven’t had enough sleep or we need to pull an all-nighter to study for exams. Moreover, our body is controlled by a natural circadian rhythm or...

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